동물자유연대 : <font color=mediumblue>전시 돌고래의 안전 방생을 위한 국제컨퍼런스 신청해주세요


<font color=mediumblue>전시 돌고래의 안전 방생을 위한 국제컨퍼런스 신청해주세요

  • 동물자유연대
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  • 2012.04.30 18:01
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  • 5227
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  • 245

타 문의사항은 animal@animals.or.kr (02-2292-6337)로 연락바랍니다.


양재동 aT센터 찾아오시는 길


The 1st International Conference for the Release of Captive Dolphins


Korean Animal Welfare Association will host “The 1st International Conference for the Release of Captive Dolphins” in order to seek for solution to a successful release of captive dolphins in Korea by exploring communication between scientists, policy-makers and the public. The conference will include presentations, a Q and A session and open discussions with international experts.

We would appreciate your active participation to the 1st ICRCD.


Name: The 1st International Conference for the Release of Captive Dolphins

Date: May 9, 2012 1:30 PM ~ 6:00 PM Wednesday

Venue: aT Center, Seoul

Host/Organizer: Korean Animal Welfare Association

Website: www.animals.or.kr





13:20 ~ 13:30


13:30 ~ 13:40

Opening address – Heekyung Jo

13:40 ~ 14:30

Rehabilitation-technical issues - Richard O’Barry

14:30 ~ 14:40

Break time

Business Presentation

14:50 ~ 15:10

Status of Indo-pacific bottlenose dolphins in Jeju island and comments on the successful release of Jedol. – Hosun Son

15:10 ~ 16:00

Captive Dolphin Welfare and the Potential for a Return to the Wild. - Naomi Rose

16:10 ~ 17:00

Long-term monitoring technqiues on small cetaceans in Hong Kong, and the biology and conservation status of Indo-pacific bottlenose dolphins. - Samuel Hung

17:10 ~ 17:40

Open discussions, Q&A




For more information, please contact animal@animals.or.kr (02-2292-6337)