동물자유연대 : [해외 입양] 벤쿠버에서 가족을 만난 곰순이의 소식입니다.

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Note: 수정/삭제 시 필요한 항목입니다. (최소 6자리 이상)
Note: 제목엔 입양동물 이름을 꼭 넣어주세요

[해외 입양] 벤쿠버에서 가족을 만난 곰순이의 소식입니다.

  • 반려동물복지센터 온
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  • 2020.08.20 15:10
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  • 832
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  • 1

Damson is doing amazing. She has far exceeded our expectations

She is playfull and respectful with the kitten. 

She is very quite and mostly very calm

She walks pretty well on leash and I even had her run w me while I was on the bike.

The weather here has been crazy hot so we spend a lot of time inside w the ac on

She is a hit wherever she goes I feel really lucky to have a dog like her.

인스타그램(@kawa_wdk)에서 곰순이 소식 보기

Note: 제목엔 입양동물 이름을 꼭 넣어주세요

Damson is doing amazing. She has far exceeded our expectations

She is playfull and respectful with the kitten. 

She is very quite and mostly very calm

She walks pretty well on leash and I even had her run w me while I was on the bike.

The weather here has been crazy hot so we spend a lot of time inside w the ac on

She is a hit wherever she goes I feel really lucky to have a dog like her.

인스타그램(@kawa_wdk)에서 곰순이 소식 보기

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