동물자유연대 : [해외입양] 토론토에서 가족을 만난 여진이의 소식입니다.

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Note: 수정/삭제 시 필요한 항목입니다. (최소 6자리 이상)
Note: 제목엔 입양동물 이름을 꼭 넣어주세요

[해외입양] 토론토에서 가족을 만난 여진이의 소식입니다.

  • 반려동물복지센터 온
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  • 2020.02.25 10:09
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  • 813
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Hi.  Pick up last night took alot longer than usual.  They were expecting to be thru customs by around 8ish, but it was around 9.30ish.

So far it is going well, she is coming out of the crate some by herself.  Scoping out the house, no thoughts of chewing.  A couple of accidents,pee only, so not a big deal.  She actually followed me from her crate into the living room and put her head into my arm for petting with a very waggily tail.   So going very well.  

I am wondering about the records.  The only vet info we got was the vaccination and veterinary inspection certificate which shows her vaccines. (fromJuly and august). I am wondering where is the paperwork on the demodex and heartworm.  I have a vet appointment on Monday and it would be nice to have the above info as to when it was, when she was  cleared health wise, meds, etc.


Hi Angela.  Here is one picture.  I will send another pic in the next email.  I don't know how to send 2 pics at once.

We have renamed her Kya.  She is a beautiful dog.  She is very gentle.  She is definitely getting used to us slowly, but that is OK.  We are a family of three.  We are taking her on lots of walks.  We have a fenced backyard and today she was taking advantage of it and running around.  She definitely likes getting petted.   She is fitting in very well with us.  Thank you.


Hi Angela.  I will be sending 3 pictures through on 3 emails.   Kya is doing great.  We have had her to the vet and to the groomer.   She is much more relaxed in the house with us.  We are now looking for dog training classes.  I think we are going to do one on one training right now.   She is so very gentle with us and she loves to snuggle and play.  She could walk forever and love to be outside.  She has been a great dog so far.  We are very happy with her.


Hi.  This is her favourite place to sleep.  We still have the crate, but she never uses it anymore.   She is so smart.  She is starting to learn some commands.  I am looking into training with her shortly.

Sorry for taking so long to reply.  Happy New Year to you all.   Kya is doing great.  She did so well over the holidays with all the new people she met.  We can't say enough how much we enjoy having her in the family.   Best wishes for the new year to you all.   Heidi

Note: 제목엔 입양동물 이름을 꼭 넣어주세요


Hi.  Pick up last night took alot longer than usual.  They were expecting to be thru customs by around 8ish, but it was around 9.30ish.

So far it is going well, she is coming out of the crate some by herself.  Scoping out the house, no thoughts of chewing.  A couple of accidents,pee only, so not a big deal.  She actually followed me from her crate into the living room and put her head into my arm for petting with a very waggily tail.   So going very well.  

I am wondering about the records.  The only vet info we got was the vaccination and veterinary inspection certificate which shows her vaccines. (fromJuly and august). I am wondering where is the paperwork on the demodex and heartworm.  I have a vet appointment on Monday and it would be nice to have the above info as to when it was, when she was  cleared health wise, meds, etc.


Hi Angela.  Here is one picture.  I will send another pic in the next email.  I don't know how to send 2 pics at once.

We have renamed her Kya.  She is a beautiful dog.  She is very gentle.  She is definitely getting used to us slowly, but that is OK.  We are a family of three.  We are taking her on lots of walks.  We have a fenced backyard and today she was taking advantage of it and running around.  She definitely likes getting petted.   She is fitting in very well with us.  Thank you.


Hi Angela.  I will be sending 3 pictures through on 3 emails.   Kya is doing great.  We have had her to the vet and to the groomer.   She is much more relaxed in the house with us.  We are now looking for dog training classes.  I think we are going to do one on one training right now.   She is so very gentle with us and she loves to snuggle and play.  She could walk forever and love to be outside.  She has been a great dog so far.  We are very happy with her.


Hi.  This is her favourite place to sleep.  We still have the crate, but she never uses it anymore.   She is so smart.  She is starting to learn some commands.  I am looking into training with her shortly.

Sorry for taking so long to reply.  Happy New Year to you all.   Kya is doing great.  She did so well over the holidays with all the new people she met.  We can't say enough how much we enjoy having her in the family.   Best wishes for the new year to you all.   Heidi

게시글 내에 이미지를 넣을 경우 원활한 로딩을 위해 가로 사이즈 1,000픽셀 이하로 올려 주세요

댓글 달기


진로 2020-02-26 21:39 | 삭제

우리 여진이 다시는 못보겠지만 평생 행복하게 잘 살았으면 좋겠어~ 화이팅

김민경 2020-02-27 08:47 | 삭제

멋쟁이 여진이! 행복하고 건강하게 지내렴!

찰스 2020-03-05 15:39 | 삭제

토론토에서 가족을 만난 여진이의 소식

여진이는 지금까지 잘 지내고 있어요, 이제 스스로 케이지에서 나와요. 집을 살펴보기도 하고, 물지도 않고. 몇번의 일이 있었지만 그냥 오줌을 싼 정도라 큰 일은 아니었어요. 여진이는 사실 자기 집에서 거실까지 저를 따라 나오기도 하고, 꼬리를 살랑살랑 흔들며 만져달라고 제 팔에 머리를 들이밀기도 해요. 정말 잘 지내고 있어요.

우리는 여진이의 이름을 Kya라고 지어주었어요. Kya는 예쁜 강아지에요. 엄청 순하구요. 확실히 저희에게 아주 천천히 익숙해져 가고 있는 것 같지만 괜찮아요. 저희는 이제 가족이에요. Kya를 데리고 산책도 많이 다녀요. 집에 울타리가 있는 뒷마당이 있어서 오늘 Kya가 거기서 엄청 뛰어다녔어요. 만져주는 걸 확실히 좋아하구요. 저희랑 잘 어울려 지내고 있어요. 감사합니다.

Kya는 잘 지내요. 동물병원에도 가고 미용도 하러 갔다 왔어요. Kya는 저희랑 집에 있을 때 훨씬 더 편안해 보여요. 저희는 지금 개 훈련 수업을 찾아보고 있어요. 제 생각엔 아마 지금 훈련 하나를 해볼 거 같아요. Kya는 아주 순둥순둥하고 저희한테 몸을 붙이고 있는 걸 좋아해요. 노는 것도 좋아하구요. Kya는 밖에 있는걸 너무 좋아하고 진짜 영원히 산책할 수 있을 것 같아요. 지금까지 본 Kya는 아주 훌륭한 개에요. 저희는 Kya덕분에 정말 행복해요.

안녕하세요. 여기는 Kya가 가장 좋아하는 잠자리에요. 여전히 케이지가 집에 있지만, Kya가 더 이상 그걸 사용하지는 않아요. Kya는 아주 똑똑해요. 몇 가지 훈련을 배우기 시작했거든요. 저는 Kya랑 훈련하는 걸 알아보는 중이에요.
답장하는데 너무 오래 걸려서 죄송해요. 모두들 새해 복 많이 받으세요! Kya는 잘하고 있어요. 연휴기간동안 만난 새로운 사람들과도 너무 잘 지냈어요. 저희는 Kya를 가족으로 맞아 얼마나 즐거운지 말로 다 표현할 수 없어요. 모두들 새해에는 좋은 일만 있길 바라요!

Gouda_Cheddar 2020-03-05 15:49 | 삭제

I hope you'll be happy with your family forever!

보림 2020-09-08 15:17 | 삭제

우리 여진이,,, 모든 아팠던 기억 다 잊을만큼,, 행복하기만 기도할게..