동물자유연대 : [해외입양] 토론토에서 가족을 만난 라야의 소식입니다.

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Note: 수정/삭제 시 필요한 항목입니다. (최소 6자리 이상)
Note: 제목엔 입양동물 이름을 꼭 넣어주세요

[해외입양] 토론토에서 가족을 만난 라야의 소식입니다.

  • 반려동물복지센터 온
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  • 2020.02.24 11:13
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  • 806
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Hi Angela, Giselle (Marley) is a doll.   Certainly still has a lot of puppy in her. Murphy seems to like her. I think 🤔. I will keep you posted  

I am so shock at how great he’s doing with her!  She has been amazing with him. Being respectful. Love her!  Love them both.

Note: 제목엔 입양동물 이름을 꼭 넣어주세요

Hi Angela, Giselle (Marley) is a doll.   Certainly still has a lot of puppy in her. Murphy seems to like her. I think 🤔. I will keep you posted  

I am so shock at how great he’s doing with her!  She has been amazing with him. Being respectful. Love her!  Love them both.

게시글 내에 이미지를 넣을 경우 원활한 로딩을 위해 가로 사이즈 1,000픽셀 이하로 올려 주세요

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