동물자유연대 : 국제 망신-주영한국문화원의 동물학대


국제 망신-주영한국문화원의 동물학대

  • 김한이
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  • 2011.12.12 15:51
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  • 6915
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  • 168

주영한국문화원에서 동물학대를 보여주고 있군요.

저 조그마한 어항에서 살고 있는 금붕어가 너무나도 안되보입니다.

 주영국 한국 대사관에서 퍼왔습니다.

주영한국문화원에서 진행중인 재영한인예술인협회 전시라더군요. 
날짜는 12월 7일로 되어있습니다.


주영한국대사관 추규호 대사는 주영한국문화원에서 진행중인 재영한인예술인협회 전시를 참여작가들의 설명과 함께 관람하며 격려의 뜻을 전했습니다.

본 전시에서 48마리의 금붕어 어항 설치작품 (Swarm with Me, 작가 김현준) 등이 많은 관람객들에게 좋은 호응을 얻고 있습니다.

본 전시는 12월 2일부터 12월 8일까지 진행되었다네요.

좌우당간 이것은 좀 아닌듯 싶습니다. 이런일이 또 번복 될까봐요.






아래 주소로 들어가면 사진 확대해서 볼수 있습니다.


 다음은 RSPCA에서 따온 글입니다.

Keeping fish in goldfish bowls


A person responsible for a goldfish has the same duty under the Animal Welfare Act as any other pet owner to ensure the needs of the fish are met.

We would discourage keeping fish in bowls as it can be difficult to properly provide for the animals when kept in this way. Generally, the smaller the container, the quicker the water quality will deteriorate (through evaporation and pollution by waste and uneaten food). You should buy the biggest tank your house and pocket can accommodate. This is because larger volumes of water offer more stable temperatures and water chemistry. The likelihood of compatibility problems between fish will also decrease because the animals can get a reasonable distance away from each other. The general rule is to allow 2.5cm (1 inch) of fish to 4.5 litres (1 gallon) of water, with a minimum of 45 litres (10 gallons). Note that this is based on fully grown fish, ie. ones that will not increase in size. If you are stocking with young fish, it is vital to take into account any increase in size that will take place as the animals grow and base the calculation on their adult size. Otherwise, as they grow, the animals will rapidly become too large for the volume of water, compromising water quality and leading to welfare problems for the fish.

Whether the container in which the goldfish is being kept is adequate depends on the size and number of fish, the size of the fish bowl or tank and whether the environment provides for the needs of the fish. For example, the volume of water should be large enough to provide an environment that is not vulnerable to normal changes in the surrounding air temperature. The container should also produce a large water surface area, which allows efficient oxygenation of the water. The general rule for cold-water fish is that a minimum water surface area of 60cm² is required for each 1cm body length of the fish (excluding its tail), but tanks should ideally be stocked gradually and the water quality monitored to ensure the tank doesn’t become overpopulated. If stocking with young fish, the same consideration of growth and eventual adult size should be taken into account here as above. Larger tanks can be fitted with a pump, filter, lighting, thermometer and a ventilated cover to help maintain the required stable environment. Water plants are also important, as they provide a source of oxygen and a place of safety to reduce any disturbance of the fish.

If a goldfish shows signs of distress (for example, lying still on the bottom of the tank, floating and gasping at the surface, loss of appetite, hiding for unusually long periods of time), expert advice should be sought. We would investigate cases where it is believed a fish's needs are not being met.






쿠키 2011-12-12 16:57 | 삭제

저기에 진짜 금붕어가 있는거에요? 기가 차네요..어떻게 저런 일이?

김한이 2011-12-12 17:08 | 삭제

그러게 말입니다. ㅠㅠ 주영한국대사관이나 문화원 한마디 해야할것 같습니다.

이경숙 2011-12-12 17:48 | 삭제

정말...할 말을 잃게 하네요...ㅠㅠ

장지은 2011-12-12 20:38 | 삭제

헉!! 물방울인줄 알고 사진을 확대해 보니까..
어이구 저게 어항이라니 저런...

김수정 2011-12-13 17:41 | 삭제

저런 미친*** 동물학대가 계속 자행되는거라구요...정말..전시회 기간동안 먹이는 줬답니까??? 에구...

김진영 2011-12-15 10:59 | 삭제

오스트리아인가 동물보호법에 보면, 금붕어 둥근 어항에 가둬키우는 것도 법으로 금지하고 있다던데..금붕어 시력에 안 좋다나봐요..

길지연 2011-12-15 02:00 | 삭제

저거이 영국놈 짓입니까? 한국놈 짓입니까? 어느 머리통에서 저런 잔인한 생각을 해 낸 것인지. 그 인간 유리 병에 달아 넣고 구경 좀 하면 좋겠네요