동물자유연대 : 모피반대 애니메이션 'Furcoat - by Tes Dekker'


모피반대 애니메이션 'Furcoat - by Tes Dekker'

  • 동물자유연대
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  • 2014.08.21 10:36
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  • 3542
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  • 133

모피 산업의 잔혹성에 대한 메시지를 잔잔하게 전달하는 애니메이션입니다.

Dekker: "Fur and cruelty are inseperably connected, and I want to encourage people to realize the impact it has on so many lives of sentient beings. When I see a furcoat: which is infact a coat made of dead sewn-together animals, it makes my stumach turn and my heart skip a beat..."

"Furcoat" is an animationfilm-project set up by young artist, Tes Dekker from Segolia Films. Realized thanks to the hard work of a team of 11 hard working people in Budapest (HU).