This is our one-month update for Molly (Mongle).
She has trained us well on how and when to pet her.
In the dog park, she does great meeting and playing with other doggies.
We monitor her diet closely, as she has many food allergies.
Although she used to snap when her ears were petted, she now allows it.
She has begun sleeping belly up, indicating increased trust.
Like other doggies, she refuses to go outside to potty, but she uses pee pee pads successfully.
We are still addressing her resource guarding.
몽글이 한달 후기예요~♡
몽글이는 이제 만질 때 좀더 편해졌고 다른 개들과 인사도 하고 잘 어울려요
아직 음식 알러지 때문에 우리는 몽글이 식단에 신경을 마니 쓰고 있어요
전에는 귀를 만지면 싫은 내색을 했지만 이젠 괜찬구요
잘때도 배를 보이고 잔답니다
우리에 대한 신뢰가 높아진거죠😊