동물자유연대 : [해외입양] 캐나다 밴쿠버에서 가족을 만난 마루

입양 후 이야기

Note: 수정/삭제 시 필요한 항목입니다. (최소 6자리 이상)
Note: 제목엔 입양동물 이름을 꼭 넣어주세요

[해외입양] 캐나다 밴쿠버에서 가족을 만난 마루

  • 반려동물복지센터 온
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  • 2020.12.02 14:43
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  • 638
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Our Maru has arrived safely and was super sweet and relaxed during our car trip back home. He had a couple of naps and a good sleep this morning.

We love him so much!


Newest update on Maru! Maru and Murphy (15 years old). I am super happy with our pets. It is true when they say you get the dog that you need ❤❤❤ We needed our Maru!

Note: 제목엔 입양동물 이름을 꼭 넣어주세요

Our Maru has arrived safely and was super sweet and relaxed during our car trip back home. He had a couple of naps and a good sleep this morning.

We love him so much!


Newest update on Maru! Maru and Murphy (15 years old). I am super happy with our pets. It is true when they say you get the dog that you need ❤❤❤ We needed our Maru!

게시글 내에 이미지를 넣을 경우 원활한 로딩을 위해 가로 사이즈 1,000픽셀 이하로 올려 주세요

댓글 달기


김민경 2020-12-03 15:52 | 삭제

고양이 칭구가 생긴 마루!! so cute!

깽이마리 2020-12-04 18:30 | 삭제

마루야 캐나다에서는 훨훨 날아다니렴... ^^

삼성 2020-12-08 19:54 | 삭제

마루 보고싶다.. ㅠㅠ