동물자유연대 : [해외 입양] 토론토에서 가족을 만난 여진이의 소식입니다.

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Note: 수정/삭제 시 필요한 항목입니다. (최소 6자리 이상)
Note: 제목엔 입양동물 이름을 꼭 넣어주세요

[해외 입양] 토론토에서 가족을 만난 여진이의 소식입니다.

  • 반려동물복지센터 온
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  • 2020.08.18 11:05
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  • 704
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Attached are 3 pictures of Kya.   She is an excellent dog.   She couldn't be friendlier.   She is getting so much more affectionate with us.   Lots of kisses from her.    She is even getting less skittish with other people.    She is totally great with other dogs.  She loves to go for car rides, she gets so excited.   We have lucked out with her being a rescue.   You hear stories of the animal taking a long time to get used to their new environment and that is so totally not the case with Kya.    She adjusted so well, so quickly, but having said that she is always changing for the better.     Her fur has definitely filled in.   I got a picture of her lying down so that you can see her tummy.   When we got her, her tummy had almost no fur on it.    So I think she realizes that she is safe now and she is becoming more healthy.

She is an excellent addition to the family.   

All the best to you and your rescue service, and thanks so much for Kya.

Note: 제목엔 입양동물 이름을 꼭 넣어주세요

Attached are 3 pictures of Kya.   She is an excellent dog.   She couldn't be friendlier.   She is getting so much more affectionate with us.   Lots of kisses from her.    She is even getting less skittish with other people.    She is totally great with other dogs.  She loves to go for car rides, she gets so excited.   We have lucked out with her being a rescue.   You hear stories of the animal taking a long time to get used to their new environment and that is so totally not the case with Kya.    She adjusted so well, so quickly, but having said that she is always changing for the better.     Her fur has definitely filled in.   I got a picture of her lying down so that you can see her tummy.   When we got her, her tummy had almost no fur on it.    So I think she realizes that she is safe now and she is becoming more healthy.

She is an excellent addition to the family.   

All the best to you and your rescue service, and thanks so much for Kya.

게시글 내에 이미지를 넣을 경우 원활한 로딩을 위해 가로 사이즈 1,000픽셀 이하로 올려 주세요

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여진 2020-08-18 20:02 | 삭제

축하해 여진아 !!!! 예전보다 조금 통통해졌네 ㅎㅎ 남은 견생 맘껏 뛰어놀고 사랑 받으면서 살아야 돼 ~

김원정 2020-08-23 21:58 | 삭제

여진아 건강하고 행복해~ 여진이를 가족으로 함께 해주신 가족분들 감사합니다

보림 2020-09-08 15:27 | 삭제

여진아,,, kya.. 여진이 사진보니,, 넘 뭉클하다.. 우리 여진이 오래오래 사랑해주세요